Hiyya guys
Guess what. All things are sorted out and I'm back on speaking terms with my friends. By the way let me disclose who it was(with prior permission),it was Mr. Rajeev Ray, a journalist friend of mine. Things are Okay with my mum.Told you,na. Things sort out themselves by themselves.
My youngest child, Suhanna, caught viral a couple of months ago and I faced the most dreaded part of every mother's life- seeing a sick and a weakened child. It was really heart-wrenching to see Suhhy suffering alone,and myself getting Scott- free. Suhhy rarely gets fever,and when she does, she reaches upto 101-102 degrees. I done all the miserly stuff to somewhat ease her pain, starting from applying water cloth on her forehead to feeding all meeding from time to time. It pained me when she showed no signs of recovery after the first day. Not even in the second. We moved earth and heaven in search of a good doctor.My husband,Aryan , an industrialist, took a week's leave,which stunned his colleagues as leaves and holidays have neven been Aryan's priorities ever.
I can never forget the moment when my darling opened her eyes with pain and muttered with pain- "Mamma,wil i die,I don't want to die.I haven't yet become as good as you and dad."
Aryan and I still cry when we stumble upon that memory.
Suhhy is a brave fighter,and a rebel actually. After a week when Suhhy was strong enough to move around by herself, I barely could believe that an entire nightmarish-long week had passed and i never realized. My son,Rohan, was also much affected by this incident.
We all learnt a lesson from this- I ,for one, learnt to spend more time with my family. I cancel several preoccupations daily and I've appointed a representative of mine in not-so important meetings. Today Suhhy ,Rohhy and myself enjoy weekend ice-creams, Saturday movies, Sunday hang-outs after visiting the church, Monday pillow-fights, tuesday,all three of us go to the beach after school,Wednesdays we enjoy Pani-puris at Chowpatty,Thursdays we gothe library,and Fridays Aryan takes us for long drives.At other times I preoccupy with myself with work and Aryan with his and he ,nowadays,takes care of part of my work as well.
Aryan takes leave at the end of every two months and takes us somewhere on the outskirts or we go on for our adventure journeys. Today we are wholer, warmer and more sensitive.We love more,we care more and we give more. And in return we enjoy blessing of togetherness, peace and over-all,a sense of satisfaction.We love to see our kids growing and learning the ways of life on their own measure.
After all, the only thing that rebounds with double impact ,but in the most pleasant and gentle manner,is LOVE.